Ama style for microsoft word for mac
Ama style for microsoft word for mac

ama style for microsoft word for mac

Select Replace in the Editing group (see figure 2).ģ. Select the Home tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).Ģ.

ama style for microsoft word for mac

Please modify these steps according to your own needs.ġ. Save the file in order to save your format replacements.įind and Replace Formatting Applied to Specific Text in a Word Documentįor this example, we’ll find specific text with the Heading 2 style and replace that text with the Heading 3 style.

ama style for microsoft word for mac

Close button in the Find and Replace dialog boxġ6. Select the Close button to close the Find and Replace dialog box. Replace, Replace All, and Find Next buttons in the Find and Replace dialog boxġ5. Or, select the Find Next and Replace buttons to make one replacement at a time. Select the Replace All button to make all the replacements at once. Not Bold, Not Italic font format selected in the Find and Replace dialog boxġ4. The words Font: Not Bold, Not Italic should appear under the Replace With text box in the Find and Replace dialog box. Select the OK button in the Replace Font dialog box. Regular option in the Replace Font dialog boxġ3. Select Regular (or another option) from the Font Style menu in the Replace Font dialog box. Select Font from the drop-down menu (see figure 6).ġ2. Select the Format button (see figure 5).ġ1. Replace With text box in the Find and Replace dialog boxġ0. Insert your cursor into the Replace With text box in the Find and Replace dialog box. Italic font format selected in the Find and Replace dialog boxĩ. The words Font: Italic should appear under the Find What text box in the Find and Replace dialog box. Select the OK button in the Find Font dialog box. Italic option in the Find Font dialog boxĨ. Select Italic (or another option) from the Font Style menu in the Find Font dialog box. Font option in the Find and Replace dialog boxħ. Format button in the Find and Replace dialog boxĦ. More button in the Find and Replace dialog boxĥ. Find What text box in the Find and Replace dialog boxĤ. Insert your cursor into the Find What text box in the Find and Replace dialog box. Find and Replace Formatting Applied Anywhere in a Word Documentįor this example, we’ll find all text formatted in italics and replace that text with regular font.

Ama style for microsoft word for mac